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1 day

Last played

July 1, 2021

Platforms Played


A full on hack and slash being controlled entirely with the ds touch screen sounds horrible, but this game manages to actually work, somehow. I've never played any of the ninja gaiden games, besides like two seconds of the nes original, though I am aware they are known for being hard. And I dunno, this game wasn't like that. It was overall a very easy game, the most I died was twice at the final boss, and that's because the cunt has an instant kill attack with a very short animation so it got me those two times. You can get through most of the game just slashing away like a retard, though it gets a bit more involved near the end. Certain parts are nigh impossible if you don't dodge or block, for example. Graphically, this game wasn't winning any prizes even back when it came out. The scenarios are still 2d images, with characters being very rough 3d models. But hey, whatever made the game run fast, and that it does. I don't remember a single music track already, so it must've been not important.