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June 28, 2022

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The Prototype series, for better or for worse, is one that I feel attached to. Prototype 1 is a game I've replayed quite a bit, and the sequel was one I had been thinking about replaying as well for a while. And now that I have done so (while also forgetting to add this here for over a month) I think I still like it. Probably the biggest issue of this replay is that the ps4 version is absolutely fucking horrendous. Somehow it runs a lot worse than the original xb360 release I played, there were constant stutters and frame drops, and even a couple of crashes. Fortunately, the game does autosave enough that I never lost too much progress, but it was always annoying. The performance is so terrible I had to play this game in chunks with quite a while of time inbetween. But even so, I don't feel like I missed too much. The story kinda sucks and didn't really keep me that engaged, though Heller is a more fun protagonist than Mercer. He is literally a man too angry to die, but is still able to crack jokes and the moments with his family and the few allies you meet humanize him. Not like any of that pussy ass characterization means anything during gameplay when being a total fucking bastard is so fun. Heller moves fast and is incredibly lethal, to the point where it's actually hard to not kill civilians as collateral damage. The game even incentivizes you to kill them a lot, as consuming people and monsters are the main way you heal. It all makes for hours of joyful sandbox fucking around, and with the way collectibles are streamlined so that they are very easy to find, this game is a very easy one to 100% complete for those weirdos who like that. I grabbed every collectible, but the optional challenges are boring for me, so I didn't bother even when they offer a couple of fun rewards, like making of videos and cheats and an Alex Mercer skin. The gameplay is markedly easier than Prototype 1, however. I remember one of my major sticking points with the previous game was how many things just staggered you and there wasn't much you could do. Now, Heller can do a pretty cool summersault that is also extremely easy to execute in order to avoid damage. But when you can't even be bothered for that, there's also the shield, which is massively improved from prototype 1, where it might as well have been made of wet paper. Here you're functionally unkillable while pressing the button, and with a bit of timing you can counter any monster attack and even return missiles aimed at you. These options are great, but I feel like they are too easy. I wouldn't have minded a bit more restriction of some kind, but I suppose they do add to the power fantasy this game offers. In conclusion, this is a fairly condensed open world game with a pretty enjoyable gameplay loop and a forgettable story with a protagonist fun enough to make it kinda work. It's good enough for a couple of fun afternoons, though preferably on a platform where it actually runs like it should.