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1 day

Last played

May 27, 2020

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Finished this game almost in one sitting while waiting for the stupid fucking PSO2 to actually download itself on my computer. I'm in awe at how horrendously bad the Windows Store is. Anyways, Gears of War 3 or whatever the fuck this game is. A definite step down from 2, especially in gameplay. I'm prepared to affirm that every single new gameplay decision was for the worse, and makes this game less enjoyable than Among Thieves. Lobbing grenades back to the poor idiot who threw it is an interesting idea, but because Naughty Dog hates fun, the ability has a sort of invisible cooldown, making it so you can't throw them one after the other. Grenades also seem to stun you if they explode close to you (it's possible this was on previous games too, but at time of writing I finished Uncharted 2 literally yesterday and I don't remember that) but no so close as to damage you too much. This means that you can actually be stunlocked by grenade launchers, which almost always ends with you being turned into mincemeat by bullets, and nothing you can do about it. Did I mention enemies now tend to throw grenades at you in pairs? Also, this game has a more expanded melee system that expanded upon the one Among Thieves has. When it works, like for example at the pub fight at the start of the game, its okay and kind of satisfying, but normally just gets in the way. Now, enemies that are close to you just go for punching you in the face as soon as they can, which can get infuriating because the dodge roll away to get some distance button and the grabbing button are the same, so you are somewhat forced to scuffle with the weirdo who decides to bash your brains in instead of using his shotgun. Naturally, having a retard trying to cave your skull in the middle of a gunfight tends to leave you at a disadvantage. So you die, which is something you are going to be doing a lot on this game. I liked the story though, its probably the most likeable Drake has ever been, and a decent conclusion for the series up until Uncharted 4 came out.