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1 day

Last played

December 29, 2021

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Finally got around to this game after playing uncharted 1 through 3 back to back last year. I'm still not a fan of the kind of cover based tps Uncharted does, but I can say I had fun sometimes. I've played every game in hard, and there is always some very fun and engaging sequences, and some annoying ones where I kept dying because of how many enemies there were. Armored enemies are particularly annoying, they just don't give a shit and will rush your ass, and unless you're in stealth mode you can't kill them with melee. Speaking of, this game adds stealth, and it's very superficial. In some fights, you start out hidden and can take out some enemies without alerting the others, but in my experience it is incredibly hard to not get noticed, and even on one occasion I managed to stealth kill all but one enemy, and I decided to shoot that last one. The moment I did, another group of cunts showed up, already alerted and I died. Also they took out throwing back grenades, which is a shame. Now, the story. I severely dislike Drake. It's not just that he's a sociopath who murders hundreds of people per game, that's standard procedure for a video game character, but he also never shuts the fuck up. Always has to drop a quip, no matter how awful or drawn out. He's not the only one, Helena and Sully also do it, as well as the asspulled brother Sam. I'm fairly certain Sam is a big ass retcon, and he's just as unlikeable as Nathan. Speaking of him, he's basically the exact same he was at the beginning of uncharted 4, just a bit older. Despite all his adventures and misfortunes, Drake remains the same arrogant smug asshole and never learned anything. He alienates his wife and father figure basically every game, and they always come back to save him near the end of the game regardless. He has suffered virtually no consequences for anything that has happened, and it does annoy me how the fact he has killed thousands is never acknowledged ever.