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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 15, 2021

Platforms Played


Finished it a while ago, forgot to add it here. Whoops. In my opinion, this is probably the worst Yakuza game yet of the ones I've played it. I went in expecting it to not be as good as the more modern remakes of the previous games, but how good those were definitely made me biased. Story continues to be okay, I quite liked the new characters, and Okinawa is a very comfy place. The gameplay is what falls flat though, enemies block a lot, way too much. All fights get prolonged for a lot more than they should because enemies just block most of your attacks, and Kiryu gets knocked down by attacks a lot more than compared to Kiwami 2 for example. The combat was such a drag for me that I ignored a lot of the side stuff. I did a fair share of side stories, but completely ignored things like weapon crafting, or the hostess minigame. Engaging as they possibly were, I wasn't gonna sit through more fights.