Finally done with this game. This was a months long odyssey for me, and while it only clocked out at 58 hours, it really felt like at least double that at times. This game was sold and indeed is a fairly traditional JRPG, an old school Final Fantasy in everything but name, but with a modern touch and features meant to showcase what the 3DS could do. Some are really cool and very welcome, like the one handed control setup and the option to tweak random encounter frequency down to none at all which is a godsend for when the game gets very repetitive. Unfortunately, some other features kinda really date the game in a way I haven't seen often. The game really wants you to have friends playing the game, or find people that play it with Streetpass. You need them to do the town rebuilding side quest that gives you some of the best items in the game, and for summoning in combat or to share their progress on jobs. Now, to be fair, the game does give you bot friends that do a good job at filling in if you don't have friends. They're basically useless for summoning, but they do help rebuilding the town. Still though, you need to go online to get them and lord knows how much longer any kind of online servers for the 3DS have left seeing as how the eshop closed not too long ago, which would make a very integral part of this game worthless and actively hamper the rest of your experience. Not only that, but the focus on community has an actual ingame explanation and having only bots as friends makes the ending funnier.

As for the actual game, I was enjoying it a fair bit up to a point. Graphics are lovely, all the towns in the game have a hand painted, layered look that for once looks even better with the 3ds, there's a decent amount of enemy variety, and the music is sublime. There's not one bad track in this game, and I love how each character has a theme that starts playing when you do a special move in combat, which gives you a buff depending on the move that lasts until the song ends, it's so fucking hype every time to hear Tiz's theme start playing. The combat is quite fun, the job system is pretty much lifted straight from Final Fantasy and you have quite a lot of build possibilities since you can use skills from two classes at once and choose up to 4 perks that all do a lot of different stuff, some can almost completely change how you play that character. I am also a big fan of the whole bravely/default system, which is basically borrowing turns from the future or saving them in advance by defending to act several times in one turn. It adds an extra layer of tactics that spices up the gameplay in a way only things like the ATB system on FF games or the press turn system on Megami Tensei have achieved. Unlike those two systems though, I feel like enemies in this game don't use brave or default a lot. Perhaps it is a blessing in disguise, as that could've been too annoying. I also liked the story, even if it was quite simple. The main characters and their interaction had enough charm to carry the plot.

But then, it all takes a turn. Because of said story, you are groundhog day'd into playing the game again. The first time this happened, I was confused but intrigued. You basically play through a condensed version of the game that's almost a boss rush, and I had fun beating every boss again with my stronger party. But then it happened again. And then again. And then one more time for good measure. Every time this happened again I seriously considered just dropping the game, but every time the sunken cost fallacy won. By the third time I just turned off random battles completely which did help a lot with the tedium, and I never even felt underleveled. Each human boss does change their tactics a little each run, and they even start grouping together near the end for very challenging fights that were also pretty fun, but it was a massive fuckin slog. There is actually two endings, and having done both I think the true ending is okay, but the tedium it takes to get there was borderline deal breaker for me and I only got through with sheer willpower.

Reviewed on Aug 12, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

I've been trying to play this game on and off for a good like year at this point and still haven't gotten that far. You describe pretty well what I feel keeps pushing me away from it. I'm kind of sad to say it but maybe those old JRPGs just aren't for me...