Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 8, 2024

Platforms Played


I tried to like this game, I really did. Three times to be exact, ive uninstalled and reinstalled this game. But the story is just so dreadfully boring that its hard to stay committed.

Its sucks too because I really thought the combat was fluid and felt good, but the quests just send you to talk to person after person, with cutscene after cutscene... ughhhh. Theres no traditional "Kill X Amount of this creature" quests like most MMOs have. I tried reading the story and getting interested but I just couldnt, its such a slog and kinda cringe tbh. The lack of voice acting made it hard to stay interested as well, even though I heard in later expacs that changes.

And it doesnt seem like that ends anytime soon... I heard that the entire MSQ is basically like that, and you have to do it ALL. You cant skip forward unless you buy skips but that's dumb in my opinion, you should be able to skip the story of an expansion you've outleveled without paying money...