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Raiden was good, probably one of the best in gaming. Still I can help but feel that he could have been better. His character is pretty much about how in the grand scheme of things his own thoughts and feelings are what truly matter, his own subjective reality. It's not about right or wrong, objective truth, but our faith in what we believe in and what matters to us. The problem is that we don't get much of his thoughts and feelings which is kinda annoying. I guess his conversations with Rose (whether she's objectively real or not his love for her and his memories with her are real to him and that's what should truly matter to him), and how much he wanted to succeed in the mission/fighting Solidus to save the baby (again, whether it's real or not it was real for him, he wanted to succeed/save the baby and his experience throughout the mission is real for him, for the AI of the patriots it's just a simulation, everything was made up, but for him it was a meaningful mission where he saved lives. Who's to say whos right or wrong? it's subjective. I also like how it correlate to art's subjectivity) these are probably the main building blocks for his development that help validate it, but I think it could have been elaborated upon a bit more.

Reviewed on May 15, 2024


10 days ago

Good review. I wonder what you would think of MGS3 🐹

9 days ago

Thanks, it will probably take some time tho I feel like I need a small break from mgs

9 days ago

That's cool 👍
Do you have ig acc? I would love to talk to you about some of the games you've played. Looks interesting

9 days ago

Yeah for sure, I just followed you the account name is yhoooo