3 reviews liked by Ysfmrkcgl

imo, this is an ALMOST perfect idle game. it has some hefty complexity to it once you get into it, and theres tons of mechanics. it never really gets stale.

EXCEPT in a few places. and thats why it isnt a 5-star. there are some really dull segments. these include:

replicanti: waiting hours for replicanti, and eventually replicanti galaxies
early eternity: nothing but grinding out eternity points
ec11x5: this gets its own special mention because jesus christ 2 hours 45 minutes, and you have to do it several more times in the reality phase
dilation: this one is ESPECIALLY bad, its hours, hell, DAYS of waiting for dilation upgrades

but there are also some really fun sections there things feel rlly fast. overall id say the progression has a good balance of being rewarding while not painful, with some exceptions that hold it back from being a 5-star.

that being said, i havent finished it yet. im in early reality as of writing this, so i'm excited to see what else ad has to offer :3