the epitome of everything wrong with bethesda games

Enemies just feel like completely uninteresting to fight staggerless messes. Game doesn't even give you the ability to choose another build or weapon for several bosses. Enemies hitboxes are extremely janky. For some reason the parrying window is inverted of parry at beginning of attack and not right before impact messing any muscle memory up. Has absolutely nothing differentiating itself from Souls except for feeling like a much worse imitation that decided to do a few things different, remove build variety, lock other playstyles behind playing through the game potentially with weapons you don't like. Character upgrades basically make no difference. Feels like a hackjob just built by people who didn't know how to make a soulslike but wanted to capitalize on the popularity of the genre.

Boring after an hour, never really changes gameplay at all. Most of the game was incredibly simple by just pressing one button. Cannot recommend but at least functioned with only one glitch.