Tournament can basically be summed up generically as "Bomberman meets Zelda and Pokémon" and really that's about the extent of it.

It does a good job of getting a lot of gameplay mileage out of the traditional Bomberman gameplay, offering up simplistic but engaging puzzles that aren't going to change the world but keep the dungeons interesting. In true Bomberman fashion, each enemy encounter asks you to think about the best way to trap your foe and deal damage. It starts off super easy of course but by the end the enemy types can get especially tricky.

The Karabon system is fun but not exactly well fleshed out, just sort of an interesting side game and you only really use about half of them frequently during the dungeon and overworld gameplay.

Perhaps the most underwhelming part of Tournament is the presentation. The graphics are by no means bad, just serviceable and the music follows suit. Some tracks are genuinely catchy, but it's not really anything to write home about.

Bomberman Tournament is a game that I had a good amount of fun with. But it might be a bit too basic or vanilla for some. At the very least, it does come with the standard set of Bomberman options for multiplayer, which is of course, always a fun time.

Reviewed on Jun 13, 2022
