I haven't the words to express how much I adore this game

It's an accomplishment I can't wrap my head around still, even at the end of my first playthrough. How a game like this even exists is beyond me, it hits ever mark all around and I couldn't ask for me

There's a lot I could go on about when it comes to its game design and how the gameplay develops but, as much as I adore it, those are not always the reason why I play games
My focus always lies on story and characters, and there's no shortage of that here

The campaign itself is amazing and has room to express so much personality in how you approach the story, but what takes the gold for me is the cast, your party members

I adore every single one of them, to the point where if you asked me to pick a favorite I would break down crying instead of answering. The way their inner conflicts align with the plot and how their development is present is just, incredible. and I'm glad to say it never falls off in the slightest all up until the end.

Completely and utterly enamored, already planning like three more characters and I don't think I'll stop playing it any time soon

Reviewed on Aug 27, 2023

1 Comment

9 months ago

It’s insane how this year has like several options for game of the decade already and this is the one I’m most confident will be my favorite. Between having one of my favorite casts in a game, the almost impeccable gameification of 5e, and the really thematically resonant storytelling, and I’m completely confident like with dos2 it’ll just keep getting better as Larian supports it.