I wasn't sure if I was going to like this game: now I don't know either this or ff6 is my favorite game in the entire franchise. I don't want to talk shit about the other games, because I have a deep connection with the series, and even ff8 that I don't like that much I can see something of value in it, yet I still need to point out one thing or another. yes, I know this is boring to listen to because everyone says it, but I still need to talk about it. ff9 is a return to form, but I think in some different ways that I see people talking about. you see, after two games moving away from the universe a little bit to focus more on the story, this game creates a fucking majestic theatrical world of fantasy to make the player comfortable with it. it returns the more adventurous side of exploring the unknown, and I guess this uncertainty is intertwined with the story more than I expected, because all those psx games are centered in the self, cloud literally doesn't know who he is and squall is trying to become more sincere with himself. final fantasy ix tries to explore this thematic with all the party members, each one being different. it explores the final fantasy universe to leads the player in misconception. vivi initially is just a silly black mage, and the story take this and throw out of the window really early by putting all the black mages in just one spectrum: they are killers. vivi is something first than being someone, and he needs to understand his existence by coexistence, exploring this vast world in search for answers. all the characters at some point goes through this "deconstruction" (although I don't really like this therm I can't think in anything better). even zidane doesn't really fit to be a protagonist at first, but at the end you can't think a better character to lead the story. even if it tries to explore a more different way to tell a story, ff9 still uses some tropes to work well. it has an androgynous villain, a third act centered about the end of the world and a beautiful ending that makes you cry (like, A LOT), but honestly? I don't care if it can be a little formulaic here and there, I love this game despite everything.

Reviewed on Nov 30, 2023


5 months ago

Oww, the good game japanese strategy game in this generation, GOTY. Zidane Tribal is The Best personage in the games.

5 months ago

goty of tsushima>>>>>>>>mid fantasy 9