If you die as Alucard and didn't save you have to do the entire Richter sequence over and watch the long arse unskippable opening crawl.

Once I did get past this though I was rewarded with a boring game.

Ignore this, and play the superior GBA/DS entries.

(not HoD or OoE)

Reviewed on Jun 29, 2021


2 years ago

How fucking bad do you have to be to die as Alucard before you reach the save point lmao.

2 years ago

You don't reach the save point, you find one. They're optional. It's statistically probable to encounter the first sub boss before finding one. And even if the player does find one, nothing says the player knows what it is or how to use it.

The player will also encounter weapon drops around this point. They may start fiddling with their equipment or try to get the hang of a weapon with a different rhythm (or just a very crappy weapon), become distracted, and take lethal damage before they realized what just happened.

2 years ago

I didn't die before the easy to find save point when I was literally four, if you're so bad you die and have to do the 8 or so minutes you lost because of being absolutely terrible at an incredibly easy game, that's completely on you lmao. It is not even statistically probable because any player that isn't braindead will check the three entrances in the room where you get your first weapon, it doesn't matter if it's "optional" because so is using a weapon in the first place. Oh and messing around with weapons that are kinda all the same is no excuse in such a damn easy game, how tf is pressing square going to distract you from what is going on, are you looking down at your controller to find the button or what? Plus you likely only have two weapons and of those one is obviously trash compared to the other, only way you wouldn't notice this in a second is if you're fucking dumb. You're either so, so damn bad at this you think people are as absurdly terrible playing as you are, or you are making up an extremist case for some reason, in either case you might as well ask for the game to play itself. I don't even like these games that much but these reviews look like someone saying "am I bad at videogames? No, the videogames are bad!" lmao.

2 years ago

Checking every entrance is a perfectly valid playstyle, but so is picking one blindly and starting over with the however many entrances the next room contains.

2 years ago

"saving your progress is optional", holy shit i laughed so hard with that

2 years ago

This nigga died in Symphony of the Night!