Blatant wish fulfillment for lonely boys. it couldn't have made it more obvious if it tried. On top of that the girl is practically not wearing anything which is awkward to say the least.

I hardly saw anything visionary in the combat, it simply involves dragging to move or sling spells, in fact I found it very slow and finicky. The game's biggest claim to fame however is the dual screen element which is also its most debilitating flaw. But in the time it would take to get a handle on the situation when entering a battle, the assist feature kicks in and top screen character starts battling on her own, which is just the most cowardly thing imaginable. Slippery little fecker this game is to introduce a game breaking, objectively unusable mechanic and then have it undo itself within moments of starting the game so as to avoid scrutiny.

Reviewed on Jun 30, 2021


2 years ago

You are aware that you can adjust the partner controls to be fully manually controlled, right?

2 years ago


2 years ago

lmfao at your profile
the whole "i am very negative about games. i do not give anything 5 stars." shtick stop being admirable in...
oh wait, it was never admirable

2 years ago

If I was trying to be negative then I wouldn't award any game four stars either. So that's not why I do it. My personal rating scale only needs four points. And I feel that awarding a 4/5 comes off as more balanced than 5/5. 4/5 should be more than enough to spur someone into playing the game if it seems interesting to them.
@colton its a troll account
You can talk all you want, but ZEELLO’s spittin’ facts.