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Zach_Attakk finished Bramble: The Mountain King
Firstly let me say the trigger warnings at the beginning of the game are not to be taken lightly. This is not a kid-friendly game by any measure.

Bramble is equal parts cuteness, horror, tragedy and gameplay. Very atmospheric art design, sound and music. Creatures are sometimes incredibly cute, unsettlingly creepy or downright scary. Creepy atmospheric sounds make situations tense. The music is sometimes spooky, other times edgy. Best experienced with headphones.

Controls are a bit janky and it can be difficult to see where your jumps will land, but after an hour or so you get used to the intricacies of the movement system. Sprinting only goes marginally faster but that small difference can help a lot. You jump slightly further than you'd expect so it gets taking used to. Aiming "down sights" has a disorienting sensitivity but the "aim assist" is very forgiving. Luckily there's not a lot of shooting to do. Platforming starts off simple and slowly becomes more challenging. Boss fights come down to a bunch of dodging and remembering simple attack patterns. Clearly influenced by games like LIMBO, most things kill you instantly but checkpoints are reasonably forgiving.

There's also the occasional environmental puzzle which offers a nice change in pace but never particularly challenging. Many have complained about the length of the game but I found it a good length. The game didn't took its time to tell a story but didn't overstay its welcome.

Definitely worth a play if only for the story and atmosphere.

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