Played on PS5.

The worst thing about this game is that it requires you to complete a lot of levels before the Platinum. It can take a while.

It has absolutely nothing to offer. If you are not chasing the trophy, do not buy.

Played on PS5.

A short and sweet beat 'em up that should not take you long to unlock the Platinum.

Should be played on the easiest difficulty, though, as other difficulties are unnecessarily challenging, considering that there is not much of a replayability factor here.

Played on PS5.

A lot has been said about this game and, truth be told, its potential was wasted.

A great concept, paired with interesting characters and still solid visuals, brought down by clumsy mechanics, awfully short campaign and limited gameplay.

Played on PS5.

Another one played for trophies.

There is nothing much to this game and it is clear that it was made for smartphones, not for consoles. An easy Platinum, but not the easiest out there, as you would need some luck.

Played on PS5.

Continuing the marathon of playing this studio's horrendous games. This one is no different to many of the other ones.

It's so incompetent and forgettable that, again similar to some of their other games, you will just want to get the Platinum and delete it in the very next minute.

Played on PS5.

Developed by RandomSpin Games and 100% on par with many of their other products.

A pathetic attempt. A cash grab. An utter abomination. Any of those would be accurate.

Played on PS5.

Just another shovelware game out there. There is absolutely nothing to this, unfortunately. Zero effort on all fronts.

Platinum in minutes and easily one of the worst games ever made.

Played on PS5.

A simple and likeable driving platformer, which is likely to keep you occupied for a few hours until you reach the Platinum trophy.

It requires some time to get used to it, although the mechanics are super straightforward. There are a few trophies to achieve, as well as the option to get upgrades and customise the different cars, which is a nice addition. However, it's safe to say that it lacks much replayability, especially considering that there are no offline and online leaderboards.

Played on PS5.

An insipid first-person shooter, existing only to achieve trophies. There’s pretty much nothing to this game. You shoot with only one weapon and try to avoid damage.

A leaderboard exists, but the game is so bare-bones that nothing justifies playing it for more than the necessary one hour.

Played on PS5.

With the exception of the added mini games, which are nothing spectacular, mind you, this is more of the same as the first one.

You will click, you will get the trophy, you will forget it exists. Until you play the third one.

Played on PS5.

A very limited and uninspiring visual novel. The story of Ogasawara Hiroki, the main character, is simply not compelling and the choices the player makes don’t account for anything.

Platinum is as easy as they come to achieve, which slightly compensates for the poor writing and bland presentation.

Played on PS5.

This is exactly what it says it is. No more and no less.

You give a certain amount of right answers, you get a trophy. Platinum takes around 50 seconds. Happy I paid a minimal amount for it. If you are not after the trophy, though, stay as far as possible.

Played on PS5.

A story-lite pixeleted platformer, which doesn’t reinvent the wheel by any way imaginable.

It has all the necessary elements of a side-scrolling hack and slash game, which should be enough to keep one occupied until the Platinum is achieved. It is repetitive, however, and unlikely to offer much incentive to continue playing after that.

Played on PS5.

Without a doubt, the easiest Platinum trophy to achieve. Click around 500 times is all you will have to do.

It’s ridiculous that such games even exist, but, well, they do.

Played on PS5.

Once again, a game that only exists for people to claim the Platinum trophy.

This is an infamous title, which I had not played before. Purchased it for less than £1, though, so nothing to complain about. Click and forget.