This is a review for the PS1 version of the game:

Today I just finished replaying Final Fantasy 1 but this time I played the PS1 version. I appreciate it so much more than the original NES version. First off everything works in this version unlike the NES one. The updated soundtrack was great and the overall presentation was smooth. I also like all of the additions and changes to the game. People always talk about how grind heavy the old FF games were but I didn’t find that true at all. I finished the game in the upper 20’s while the max level is 50(NES) and 99 PS1. I never really needed to grind for EXP. Though I did need to grind out money since that’s hard to come by until late game and everything after a certain point is so expensive it’s not funny.

One thing I really like is the concept of multiple hits in this game. As you level up and get better weapons you start being able to do multiple hits. It never feels broken and is a nice way to show how your team is getting stronger during their journey. I also quite enjoy how small the numbers are in the first FF game. They don’t inflate those numbers in this game. Another thing I really like is the equipment that can be used as items during battle. That way your non mage members can use lower tier spells instead of attacking. Finally another thing I really like is how you have to actually strategize in this game. You can’t just smash X to win. You need to plan out your moves. Unlike a lot of the newer games where you can smash X to win. You’ll still get damaged a lot but you’ll survive. In this game you’ll just die. Though not everything is great about the first FF. Some parts of the game get rough fast. If you walk in somewhere unprepared you will wipe and lose all your progress since your last save. You could also just get unlucky and run into a real strong “rare” encounter that uses high tier multiple target spells and just obliterates your party. A certain dungeon in the game really showed that off while I was playing. I ran into a group of enemies that got the jump on me and use instant death spells on us and we all died without being able to do anything. This was after I was in the dungeon for like 40 minutes. Another disappointing thing is a lot of the bosses were way easier than just a normal enemy encounter. I’d go in there and wreck them but one wrong move and a normal encounter would send me back to start.

For being the first entry in a long running franchise it still hold up well all things considered. If you want to play the game I’d recommend any version other than the NES if you want the full experience. There’s nothing wrong with playing the NES version but it’s really showing its age now.

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2022
