Minus one star for being a gacha game. Pretty good tower defense, and the roguelite modes really add a lot to do outside of stupid gacha game stamina restrictions.

My favorite action game ever toward the end of Episode 6. Dearly missed.

Worse than base PSO2. Massive downgrade.

Giving it extra credit for being the first, but it certainly doesn't stand up to some of the better entries in the series, like Unite, 4U, or Rise.

Made an already weak Monster Hunter title even worse

Would be a 4.5/5 if control rebinding was more robust.

This game made me stop buying single player games for a decade.

Couldn't get past the camera.

Final Fantasy XIV is the perennial 7/10 MMO. It will never have an amazing patch, it will never have a terrible patch. It will simply always be "good".