Far and away the best Postal game, Brain Damaged is genuine quality and among the best of the boomer shooter revival alongside New Blood’s games. The level design is great, there’s a whole bunch of enemy variety, and all your weapons are useful and fun to use. It definitely cribs from other shooters like Doom Eternal’s Meathook Super Shotgun and the Titanfall smart pistol but it uses those elements well and really more games having the Meathook is not a bad thing at all. Of course its Postal so it’s dumb as shit and some of the game’s jokes are already aged but that’s pretty much Postal’s shtick so it’s not unexpected. There are good jokes though like the CHUD Yosemite Sam enemy whose whole body is one big moustache is a funny design, Postal Dude has some good one-liners, or the final boss for example. I just overall had a lot of fun with the game, definitely worth playing if you want a quality throwback shooter.

Reviewed on Sep 28, 2022
