The racing itself is quite enjoyable. With that being said, it is clear that everything else about the game was designed to entice Disney adults to spend exorbitant amounts of money to unlock and upgrade their favorite characters.

It’s a good thing that Cs get degrees because that’s all I was getting at this academy.

I was truly an Olympic-level ski jumper back in the day.

Goofy as hell like any good wrestling game should be.

Neat little vehicular combat game with loads of character. A Tommy gun-wielding duck named Fowl Mouth? A dinosaur named T.Wrecks? A capture the flag mode but the flags have legs and run around? It doesn’t get much more creative than that.

This game comes with a lot of well-deserved criticisms. The gameplay can be repetitive, the controls are clunky, the graphics have aged poorly, and the on-foot missions are incredibly jank. With all that being said, I like Star Wars and big explosions, so I don’t regret playing through this.

A decent time killer if nothing else.

We need more action-packed games that can be completed in less than 10 hours like this one. You go in, shoot a bunch of bandits, learn some western history, and feel satisfied at the game’s conclusion.

I despise the recent trend toward all this live-service mumbo jumbo. The game only needs to feel alive while I play it.

The only redeeming quality of this game is all the lasagna puns. My personal favorite being a football helmet you can equip called “Joe Montagna.”

A fun arcade baseball option for people (me) that are tired of getting two hits in a full 9 inning game of The Show.

All my homies hate the Trade Federation.

I am the undisputed stumble guys champion of the world. The bots and toddlers that populated my lobbies never stood a chance.

This game is so cool that it made my younger self dream of becoming a professional motocross rider.

I am now an accountant.

Definitely would’ve been a better experience had I not played it on the Wii.

More of the same at this point. The formula still works but could definitely use some improvements (especially graphical ones) in future entries.