The game has 3 overall enemy types:

Fodder robots, which are anything from flying turrets to tanks. Despite generally just being a matter of holding the fire button these were the enemies I enjoyed the most. Mowing them down is overall satisfying even when your main weapons lack the oomph to feel satisfying on their own.

Boss robots, which are various gigantics that all share a weak point design. Their attacks hit harder but aren't any more difficult to avoid than the ones by fodder. This leads to them largely just being bulletsponges.

Then there are piloted mechs like your own. These started out being my favourite before very quickly devolving into absurd stats that their AI aren't capable of handling. teleports behind you levels of speed, bottomless stamina and health, weapons that chunk you if you dare get too close. All in service of AI that spends most of its time flailing around or getting stuck.

The plot spends a lot of the early parts of the game vaguely insisting that there is one, while feeding you a ton of characters who are all too uninteresting to make up for it. I remained uninvested.

The progression system mostly gives you 1-2 options per archetype per slot unless you happen to enjoy the default types.

But (and this is very important): I think my cyborg pilot is very cute, even if I don't understand how the limited amount of things you can do outside your mech justified the development effort.

This is terribly formatted but I just wanted to write down Thoughts before I went to bed and forgot about them.

Reviewed on Feb 01, 2022
