Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

8 days

Last played

August 4, 2023

First played

July 24, 2023


Unusual strategy RPG that unfortunately took some rather bad ideas from the related MMO game.
+ freely customizable team of self-made units
+ uniquely appealing character portraits
+ intricate stage backgrounds
+ strong replay value due to its 3/4 different "routes" (which can be switched between at any time)
- constantly recycled levels using only 1 kind of objective
- slow battle animations with strange pauses inbetween
- pointless player avatar who only gives the illusion of choice at the start
- badly written, erratic main story that lacks an interesting antagonist
- few playable characters with an actual personality
- barely functional enemy AI (does absolutely nothing when not in attack range)
- unbalanced stat-based combat that necessitates grinding and hugely favors certain classes/attributes