Technically lackluster part of the franchise that took a divisive narrative turn but still shouldn't be missed for its bold expressiveness.
+ most significant characterization for the protagonist yet with a much more sentimental value than before
+ refreshing small town setting accompanied by a restraint in scope
+ surprising new cast additions with endearing individual character stories
+ really interesting main antagonist who is sadly underutilized
- rough visual fidelity only somewhat mitigated by the strong art direction
- comparatively weak soundtrack and a strange absence of music in town
- underwhelming finale with a lot of clichéd moments
- poor quality of life compared to Y0 and Kiwami 1+2 (terrible menus, return to save points)
- some atrocious boss fights due to constant blocking of almost every move

Reviewed on Oct 09, 2023


7 months ago

underwhelming finale?? Mine is easily one of the best final bosses in the Yakuza series.

7 months ago

@blocboyhima I completely agree that Mine is an excellent antagonist, but the final showdown itself seemed lacking in comparison to at least Y0 and YK2 imo. The arena was bland, the fight short and without memorable moments, music not the best, and circumstances surrounding the encounter very contrived (although that seems to be a common problem in the franchise).