Mechanically streamlined sequel that builds on an already great gameplay foundation with more content but misses the mark in terms of writing.
+ slightly modified turn-based combat that remains one of the very best in any game for its well-thought-out complexity and presentation
+ excellently interwoven crafting and leveling systems without the small annoyances of its predecessor
+ two selectable routes with completely different casts and story beats; connected in a solid NG+ experience
+ comfy school setting that is integrated well into the narrative structure
+ reasonably simplified item traits
+ fun returning characters
- less noteworthy music
- unsatisfying conclusion without playing both routes and the subsequent final chapter
- tedious reuse of the same maps while others are barely touched
- ironically worse comedy due to its constant presence
- unlikable cast filled with some pretty terrible people (maybe one or two exceptions on each side)

An immature take on a recently oversaturated genre with little to offer now and a likely underwhelming future.
+ fundamentally sound if basic gameplay loop
+ neat weapon and pet customization
+ adjustable settings for how much input is required
- slightly amusing but far too uninspired theme
- unclear distinction between friendly and harmful particles
- small pool of largely unbalanced item choices
- no exciting features or progression (yet?)

Decently made top-down battle royale with an overreliance on crafting.
+ great number of unique characters (and only a few questionable designs)
+ fun core mechanics that allow both solo outplays and team-coordinated wins
+ cheap account unlocks and no apparent pay-to-win elements
+ functional UI with all essential settings
- unremarkable music
- a single, rather gloomy map
- too many stat-packed items to be found and combined for any half-casual person to remember

Basic zombie-themed platformer whose flaws become more apparent the further you get.
+ visually interesting depiction of an overrun metropolis
+ decent mechanical variety considering the game's length (~4 hours)
- uninspired story narrated by the main character who sounds unnaturally detached
- floaty controls and mediocre level design
- countless cheap death traps that are only made bearable by the frequent checkpoints but still get very frustrating toward the end

Basic JRPG that presents some neat ideas and mechanics but unfortunately doesn't live up to the ambitions of its title.
+ extensive skill system that enriches the leveling process with considerable customization possibilities
+ great replayability due to exclusive character recruitments and a reasonably short main story
+ beautifully distinct cities
+ entertaining albeit superficial cast helped by good voice acting
- trivial combat excluding a few arbitrarily strong enemies
- largely generic fantasy setting in spite of the sci-fi premise
- very straightforward narrative with jarring cuts and a questionable final arc
- weak magic with obnoxiously interruptive animations
- no explanation whatsoever for most gameplay systems
- insane amounts of backtracking and convoluted dungeons made worse by the high encounter rate


Focused exploration-driven experience that is worth putting a few hours in for the world it showcases and the passionate narrative behind it.
+ majestic orchestrated soundtrack centered around emotive strings and influenced by certain events
+ gorgeous trimmed-down art style
+ well-thought-out level design that obfuscates linearity with optional paths and secrets
+ serviceable exploration and platforming gameplay with light puzzles
- bothersome enemy in the second act

Bare-bones puzzle game that may at best prove to be a brief relaxing distraction.
+ artistically unimpressive but still appealing portraits
+ pleasant background music
- complete absence of challenge timer/counter without an option for evaluating one's own performance
- amateurish UI lacking in both design and features

Narratively interesting and much more action-focused sequel impaired by a few glaring issues that resulted from its obviously rushed development.
+ less tactical but polished and fun combat with excellent animations
+ unique story premise involving the player character moving to a troubled city with his family and making a name for himself over the years
+ memorable selection of new companions (who seem to hate each other for the most part)
+ solid skill trees that offer many choices without being overwhelming
+ viable rivalry mechanic improving upon the friendship system
+ frequently remarkable soundtrack
+/- arguably oversimplified equipment system
- lackluster conclusions to romance and companion quests
- tedious first chapter about gathering funds
- questionably written albeit exciting finale that makes waste of a compelling conflict
- huge disservice to the best character from DAO: Awakening
- significantly more side content than main story
- insultingly slow movement speed considering the amount of walking required (mod to fix this highly suggested)
- small selection of identical environments recycled over and over again even for different locations

A remarkable refinement in gameplay and graphics with a less flawed narrative than Kiwami 1, as well.
+ visually stunning rendition of the metropolitan setting that is also more seamless with the removal of most loading screens
+ satisfying combat helped by the (admittedly often funny) ragdoll physics and better weapon integration
+ charismatic antagonist and a few great new main characters with significant development
+ interesting storyline that moves the worldbuilding forward a lot
+ nice incentives to engage with optional content (especially in postgame)
+ numerous payoffs to plot threads from Yakuza 0
- mostly still forgettable side quests
- only one fighting style as opposed to the previous four
- wasted potential in a few neglected characters
- hysterical ending for largely bad reasons
- several unconvincing or awkwardly executed plot points throughout