Not my favorite Batman game but this was also my first Telltale TV episode quick time sequence style game. The story was good and gameplay wasn't terrible. But I did find myself wishing it was just a show to watch versus a game requiring me to do a handful of inputs and dialogue checks every couple of minutes.

This time around we have Rocksteady Montreal taking a jab at the Batman Arkham series. They decided to do a prequel set roughly 10 years before the events of Arkham Asylum. It's safe to say they did a fantastic job recreating and sticking to what made the other Arkham titles so fun and memorable. The team even improved on the detective mode and created a unique way of advancing the plot and making the player feel like they're figuring out things on their own. Fantastic game!

Again Rocksteady did a fantastic job improving and advancing the game from it's predecessors. One addition to the gameplay this time around was the Batmobile. It was very cool and fun to use however it starts to become used a little too often throughout the game. Nonetheless, the gameplay and plot still continues to deliver a wonderful and memorable experience when playing.

This game expanded upon the last and brought even more content and story, while also building upon the already great flowy combat. Wonderful follow up game to Arkham Asylum!

Great game! Already a huge Batman fan but this game has great combat, fantastic story writing, and you truly feel like the caped crusader throughout your playthrough. Highly recommend.

Fun with friends but can be repetitive after a while.

Games not bad. Just personally not a fan of battle royale styled games. Doesn't help that you're required to learn what each character does and what their abilities do. Probably will only play if a friend wants to.

Fun to play around with friends on, other than that not a game I'll probably play on my own.

Amnesia was my first horror game to ever play. I'm not one to usually play horror games but this game sucked me in. The gameplay is pretty basic as you try your best to keep your sanity and hide from the monster you may or may not be seeing but the story telling is fantastic. Playing through the game as your character explores the castle and reads journals as he's remembering the events that took place before he got to his destination is played out perfectly with the narration. Never once did I think a horror game would have such an interesting story. Usually I think of them being all very similar with some sort of ghost or demon like creature haunting a location or area. This game had a genuine mystery to it and the atmosphere is wonderfully creepy but intriguing. It felt like more than just a game trying to catch you off guard with jump scares and chase sequences but actually having a purpose for the events taking place and why everything is happening the way it is. So with that said I highly recommend this game to those who love horror games or want to dip their toes into the genre.

Fun tycoon afk game to check on every couple weeks/months when bored and don't know what other game to play.

Combat was fun and had depth. Can be difficult to get used to for some. Great game to playthrough with a friend.