One of the best couch co-op experiences I've had. It's clear how much care and attention to detail has been put into all aspects of this game. The artwork is particularly impressive. I love how detailed the environments are. You can infer so much about May and Cody's life just from looking at all the junk they have in their house. I think that's pretty neat. It's so much fun figuring out how best to interact with the environments and rely on player 2 in order progress. Most of the odd platforming tools are really cool and feel good to use. I'm quite fond of the hammer and nails, as well as the garden tools.

I think the story caused me some dissonance. It's quite hard for any art medium to tackle the collapse of an individual interpersonal relationship in a way that feels nuanced and real, on top of this It Takes Two is a game that is still trying to maintain it's purpose as a piece entertainment that won't alienate a general audience. I don't think it always works, though the open ended nature of the ending feels appropriate. With all that being said I do typically like the usage of therapy in storytelling. Character introspection is just something I really like to see and therapy is an easy way to relay that info to an audience, and it leads to some of the more cathartic moments in the game.

Reviewed on Feb 22, 2023
