it took me like 2 years and 2 playthroughs to finish this game but i did it ! i played it with my gf and it was a great bonding experience. i was trying to figure out why it took us so long to finish it, but tbh i think it's just that life got in the way a bit. i find it hard to talk about it right now, because it doesn't actually excite me as much as it did in the beginning. but i'll try:

the mechanics are INSANE! they keep changing every hour, i have no clue how they pulled off something like this in like 3 years of development ?!? idk Josef Fares and Hazelight are crazy, i am very happy they exist and are making actual good non-aracadey, linear, co-op games. i wish there were more games like this. it was so cool to see them exploring a mechanic to its fullest and then completely switching it up in the next level.

story-wise i wasn't into it at all. maybe because of the long breaks in-between playing, but i just didn't relate to the characters, didn't really find them funny and i thought the ending was too predictable. i felt like there was no character development or interesting character arcs, which was kinda sad. if i would've resonated more with the story i think this game would've been a 10/10 for me.

still, the innovation that It Takes Two brings it too huge to go unnoticed and i think it deserves all the praise it gets.

Reviewed on May 06, 2024
