My first completed retro Final Fantasy outside of XIV. Very enjoyable overall, and the plot is a classic (though I'd been heavily spoiled on it, it was still very enjoyable to see it all in-context). Sometimes it felt like the game had a hard time striking a balanced difficulty; usually the game is quite easy, but then you run into enemies that debilitate you before you can finish menuing and everything just falls apart. Music and spritework were phenomenal, and the voxel effects added in some parts of the Pixel Remaster looked fantastic.

Criminally underrated puzzle-platformer with Metroidvania-like progression elements. I played the hell out of this when I was a kid, but could never finish it. I finally played it again a few years ago on my original cartridge and 100%d it, and did it again on Retroarch w/ Retroachievements a few years later. It's on Nintendo Switch online now! Do yourself a favor and give it a play!

I owned this alongside Red, but gave it to friend because I thought it was the "harder version" after I got stuck against a Wrap-spamming Ekans on Route 3 lol. Played it again on 3DS VC and did the Mew glitch for funsies. Same notes as Red otherwise.

Great nostalgia factor, and is the game that got me into RPGs and just story-driven games as a whole. But so many aspects of it have aged poorly--the sprite work leaves much to be desired, the type balance is completely broken, and there are bugs out the wazoo. Still a good time, but not a generation I return to frequently.

(I am specifically playing with the Seamless Co-op mode with one other friend. Currently on an extended break, but we will get back to this some day!)

Thoughts so far: I'm glad I'm playing this with the co-op mod. Games of this style tend to frustrate me immensely, so having someone who knows the game lightly guide me through and see my genuine reactions is really cool. Exploring the map is fun, but I wish there was abit more direction on where to go to progress. I don't need a map littered with quest markers like a Bethesda game, but something light would be appreciated, especially since much dialogue is non-repeatable and/or very cryptic.