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Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

May 3, 2024

First played

April 25, 2024

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Is this a game for gooners? Yes, but there's surprisingly way more depth than you would expect, considering all the vocal neck beards complaining about "censorship" and crying for refunds. At its core, Stellar Blade is a pretty fun action game with smooth combat, cool bosses, and a great soundtrack. The biggest shame here is that the story and characters never fully gripped me. I was intrigued by the world and what happened, but ultimately, I didn't love any of the answers. At the end of the day, it just felt like a watered-down Nier story. I firmly believe that if this game had a better story it would be put on a similar (if not the same) level as Nier Automata. Luckily for us, it looks like Kim Hyung Tae and Yoko Taro are bonding over each other's games and their love for android waifus. Hopefully, Yoko can share some of his storytelling wisdom with the team at Shift Up and give Eve's tale a little more depth in the future.

In conclusion, I feel there is a ton of untapped potential for the Stellar Blade sequel. With some minor tweaks in voice acting and a better script, we could have something very special on our hands.