The last I played Stardew was on the Switch a few years back. I got 12 hours deep, proceeded to put it down, and never got around to picking it back up. I decided to give it another try after all the new patch hype, and god damn, am I happy I did. It finally clicked, and I have spent countless hours this week alone. It's a rare, cozy game that I just can't put down. Once I got past the overwhelming nature of the early game and the constant feeling of needing to accomplish tasks quickly, I began to enjoy it way more. Now, I'm taking my time and enjoying the slow and relaxing farm life while maxing out the social links of other town residents. At the end of the day, I believe that's what this game is trying to achieve.

Stardew Valley is a fantastic game that is at the top of its class in its respective genre. It deserves all the praise it gets. I can see it not being everyone's jam, but if you are into slow-burn sims, then I believe it's a must-play title.

--Also, if you have a Steam deck and are looking for a game to spend hours on, look no further. I can't think of a better relaxing time killer than this.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
