A likable protagonist (Kassandra only), and a big beautiful world make for, perhaps, Assassin Creed's best entry since AC4. Building on the systems from AC: Origins, Odyssey gives us an even larger world, and even more fantastical combat system. Your character never really feels that "grounded" as you can pull off all sorts of crazy moves in this one, but it works with the story, and it makes the combat a bit more entertaining than in previous entries. The story plays well, and you get to meet all of the famous names of the ancient greek world, and also further push the modern day story along.

The big issues with this game (and they may be deal-breakers for some) are that it's just so damn big, and the content stops being fresh after probably 20 hours. You can barely make a dent in the game's overall story before you have probably actually done all of the activities the game has to offer. Now you just need to keep doing them for another 80 hours to complete everything. For some, this is not gonna happen, and they will bounce off the title immediately. For others (like me), I enjoyed the gameplay loop well enough to see it through to completion. The added RPG elements (a dialogue system, but very minimal) help, along with an expanded gear system to keep you hunting for that next piece of better gear. I will say though, this game is the zenith of Ubisoft-ness, so beware, if you are not already a fan of this style.

Reviewed on Nov 29, 2021
