This might be the most disappointing game I've ever played

I was really hoping this would be my next A Hat in Time, a game that I cannot stop coming back to because I love it so much. It's not. It's just okay, and only because it had some parts I really enjoyed. Probably 60% of the time I was playing this game, I just wanted to be done with it.

I honestly wonder if they put all the effort here into the basic movement and presentation. I am really not a fan of most of the level design here; the levels are either ridiculously easy or super finnicky, with a couple genuinely fun ones sprinkled in (the rising water and subway levels were both fantastic). A lot of the assets look out of place or bland, and anything that isn't a main character or a boss got absolutely shafted. Every NPC looks like a nightmare. This also might have the worst combat of any game I've ever played, so any forced combat sections (including the final boss) were like nails on a chalkboard. I was happy to learn the game is only 4 worlds plus a final boss, but very unhappy to learn that I had to complete 3 out of the 4 worlds (plus one more level) AGAIN to unlock said boss. I understand that the levels are different the second time around, but I just do not understand the 50 battery requirement when you only get 28 from the first plays. 2 of the abilities are kind of utilitarian instead of fun, unfortunately, and the slow time one just feels horrible to use. I just tried to brute force every section that needed it without it (it worked kind of).

On the positive side, the music in this game is godlike. It's maybe the only reason I kept playing. There's also some genuinely cool ideas here; the snake wheel ability is awesome and any level that utilizes it is a good level full stop. Any time there was a platforming section I actually had to think about, I was pleasantly surprised, and it happened enough times to be notable. I am kind of coming up dry on other positives.

In the end, this game might be more bad than it is good, but I'm gonna give it a 2.5/5 because I could play it while watching Jerma play House Flipper

Reviewed on Jul 20, 2022


1 year ago

yeah but what if you were from the year 3 and this was the first video game you ever saw?

1 year ago

whats with you and Year 3 recently

1 year ago
