Need for Speed Retrospective #9

This game needs to be in the same conversation as Okami and The Wind Waker when it comes to timeless styles. I found myself just roaming around and admiring the view many times, which is quite the compliment for a game old enough to have a drivers license of its own.

Though not as explorable as in Underground 2, the open world is still dense and fun to traverse with plenty to do in each chapter. The game's structure is an interesting choice, its obvious weakness being its repetitiveness. After the first thirty minutes, the remaining 14 chapters become very predictable and can sometimes feel like a slog. Adding to that, the later police chases are very unforgiving and frustrating, as small mistakes will lose you a lot of progress.

Still, a fantastic driving game. You guys were right all along: This is the golden era of NfS.

Reviewed on Jan 06, 2024
