Not my first Final Fantasy game, but the first one I've ever finished.

Overall, an solid story, that starts stronger than it ends. It drags a lot in it's third act, and I didn't help that the game decided to make the bulk of the side quests available right before the big finale. It just ruined the pacing. About 50% of the side quests were worth doing, the rest were just OK. Great combat, that still has room for improvements. It's a great template for future games. Even as someone who hasn't played a lot in this franchise wished there were more depth in its RPG systems. Most were so simplified that I almost wonder why they even bothered putting them into the game.

Loved the use of Ye-Olde-English, and some the cheeky humor that were surprisingly subtle (for a Japanese game). Almost every single actor and actress were on point, and elevated an overall OK story, most of the emotional scenes hit at some level. The music slaps. HARD. And most of the big boss fights were so intense and spectacular, my eyes started tearing up because I forgot to blink.

I was hoping this game would convert me into an Final Fantasy fan, as I never managed to get into the previously games I tried (FF7R, FF15) but alas. Wouldn't mind going back and trying other games from the past, or into the future, but I'm in no rush.

Glad I played it, but somehow still disappointed that this wasn't the GOTY game I'd hoped it would be.