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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 4, 2024

First played

January 2, 2024

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A classic mod for Half-Life who's historic impact is immense. This mod, alongside Counter-Strike and Natural Selection, is often cited as one of the modding community's crowing achievements, or at least it was back in the start of the 2000s.

Today, They Hunger is really showing its age. Compared to mods nowadays, it's very simple and primitive. Compared to modern game design sensibilities, it regularly flies in the face of good communication of concepts and level design. But to someone who has played Half-Life, this offers a fun --if slightly enraging-- challenge. The weapons are fun to use, and the set pieces were on par with base Half-Life at the time. The story is nothing to write home about, but is fun nevertheless.

They Hunger is an ode to classic Hollywood Horror from the 30s, 40s, and 50s, the decade where the game is (allegedly) set. There are cartoonish and old monsters like zombies, Frankenstein zombies, skeletons, and severed hands. The game's "art direction" is a mash of reused Half-Life textures and gothic stone textures.

Gameplay wise, the placement of enemies is often unfair, but you get used to it. Damage is big, with most enemies doing at least five points of damage or more. You will often have to peak and save-scum. Save-scumming is good practice anyway, as there is a horrific shortage of autosaves. You could die to a spree of lead from unfairly placed police zombies, autoload the last save, and be fifteen minutes away from where you died.

All in all, it's a great piece of history, especially for Half-Life fans. And the gameplay is alright when you get used to its unfair nature. I wouldn't NOT recommend it, but it's no surprise that this mod has fallen into obscurity. Although given its historical importance, that obscurity is also a little upsetting.