When I first saw the first trailer of this game, I spent my first day laughing my ass off at how corny and batshit insane this game was with this main character guy being so hellbent on killing Chaos while being edgy and one dimensional about it that I could not take this game seriously. The following demos were also so broken that it fuelled into the hilariousness of everything.

However, what I thought would be a disaster of a video game that would be maintained by its goofy edgy scenario turned out to be actually a solid game that I ended up enjoying a lot. The gameplay is the main highlight of this game with a lot of inspiration taken from Nioh and how those games handled their gameplay (I heard these games were great aswell by other people) but with a Final Fantasy flair to it. With the very big job system that lets you choose many different classes which all have different playstyles and abilities, the customisation of this game is insanely rich and super fun to mess around with, they are also well balanced from what I found too. The Borderlands-esque inventory management sucks though and it's annoying. The soundtrack is also solid as hell.

The story is so fuckin wacky and the characters are so one dimensional but so funny at the same time with some of the wackiest moments I saw in a video game that it's worth playing just to see the silliness unfold. It progressively gets funnier and funnier overtime too which keeps you playing just to see how stupid everything gets. This isn't Final Fantasy 7 Remake kind of stupid in a way where it gets you mad either, it's a hysterically stupid kind of story that you get in to too, but it's not a masterpiece. There are also a lot of Dissidia references in this one for the fans of that series too.

The performance in this game is generally good too after all the patches but there was one point where the game tanks in framerate. I also usually don't care about graphics but the graphics look very dated at times and the lack of anti-aliasing for a lot of stuff is very noticeable, but it's nothing game-breaking or anything.

In general, SOP: FF Origin is a really solid and a very fun spinoff that I'd recommend getting in a sale. It's not a masterpiece and it's super corny as hell but due to it being corny in a funny way and super fun, it is absolutely worth a playthrough.

Reviewed on Jan 19, 2024
