Feels like a game stuck between two eras of videogames. The retro, fast-paced run and gun shooters and the more modern flavor of fps with wide open hub worlds, upgrades and a stronger focus on exploration. Wolfenstein would have been a much better game if it had simply committed to the former.

The core gameplay is really fun. I like the arsenal of weaponry and the gore system in this game is super satisfying. You can burn, electrocute, vaporize and straight up blow Nazis up and all of that just FEELS good. It's the spaces in between all of the burning and blowing up that brings this game down. The open world city of Isenstadt is just plain dull and barely incentives or appropriately rewards players for exploration. I missed the stealth element from the previous game, an omission that feels weird given how much more the environment design lends itself to sneaking around than it's prequel.

Ultimately, it's a very monotonous experience. Games like Bioshock already had a very similar gameplay system while also providing an incredibly rich environment and profound writing, neither of which is available here. It's occasionally fun but, on the whole, very forgettable.

Reviewed on Apr 10, 2024
