Broke my finger by accidentally punching something and havent played since. 10/10 game otherwise

had a number of horrible visual bugs but good golly was it a great time. Although often frustrating, the textures failing to load, characters just not loading in or clipping of clothing on my character's back side , it didn't actually diminish my enjoyment of the game.

112 minutes to complete all routes and true end. Your choices don't change the outcomes which is a big minus for me. overall stories were good/fine. The story was not really coherent as a whole but rather 6 different stories will loose similarities, not as intertwined as the trailer made it seem, it still worked. Happy to play it and support the boys and can see the hard work the team put into it. Was a great first release from the team and hope the next project is even better

Completed as of 1/24, still beta: all pals caught, lvl50, max effigies, full map

Had a blast exploring and playing for the first time. now that I've completed everything I've felt little desire to play anymore. Really shallow at a surface level but I really enjoyed the experience of the game, hopefully there's more added later for me to want to pick it back up