22 reviews liked by achiroe

interesting story, can't wait for the next update!

please god let this game be finished one day it deserves it so badly. listed as shelved due to game itself not being complete

i feel so abnormal about this game. everything about it makes me want to (positively) smash my head against a wall. its that good.

i want to sleep with dr. krueger

the friends who made me play this can eat shit

traumatized me as a small child

This is a very unserious review and I understand this game is meant to be spooky and it was! But the baby teleporting around the room every time you turn your back had me crying with laughter

I genuinely got a migraine from how confused i was by the end of this. Good game though

Solid little game. The writing doesn't fully stick the landing, but I honestly enjoyed the "walking simulator" approach to this, and the atmosphere had me hooked throughout.