I'm not big on Roguelikes in general but I had a really good time with Hades. Playing on Switch allowed me to get in a good run attempt during my commute to/from work and it lends itself perfectly to a 30-45 minute burst of play.

Hades looks fantastic. It runs super smooth even on Switch. The colours of each environment pop off the screen and it's always a delight to look at. The voice acting is top notch as is the score.

Depending on how you feel about this genre, Hades can be an incredibly frustrating game. It's hard on purpose, but you're able to get stronger on each attempt to escape from the Underworld, helping you get that little bit further each time. You’ll unlock different weapons to use where you will inevitably find favourites or ones you tend to perform better with. The further you get on escape attempts, the more resources you’ll have to upgrade the weapons and your abilities, and therefore helping you get that little bit further next time.

Very minor spoilers here: After I managed to escape the Underworld, I expected a bit of an epilogue and the credits. But after the narrative plays out you’re returned to the starting point. A quick google told me that to get the ending you need to escape 10 times in total. Initially I thought “challenge accepted” but after 5 successful attempts I feel that I’ve gotten all I can get out of Hades. As I said, this isn’t my genre of choice, so despite having a blast with the game, I’m not going to get any more enjoyment out of it by persevering for the sake of it.

Definitely check Hades out if you’re curious about Roguelikes, but seeing the credits is only for dedicated fans of the genre.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2024
