Don’t worry, Tron. If anyone can do it, he can.

I mean… Mega Man Legends should probably, at the very least, be mentioned in the same conversation as Super Mario 64 when we talk about positive 2D-to-3D conversions. It’s an unbelievably confident, interesting game that shakes up the Mega Man IP with good voice acting (!), a robust and surprisingly dark story, open exploration, can kicking, stat-altering equipment, and dungeon crawling. Oh, and Tron Bonne, of course. Gone are the days of Robot Masters, Mavericks, boss weapons, and stages (for now). The game even has things like an optional morality system, lots of items to find, and, I suspect, sidequests that most players will never even be privy to. Legends also has this low-poly, 90s anime aesthetic that is utterly to die for, and it’s unthinkable that nobody has tried to ape this exact look in the years since. It’s certainly not perfect, but, for Capcom’s first stab (and, unfortunately, one of their only stabs) at a 3D Mega Man title, it’s not terribly far off.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2024
