Remote played on steam deck from PC and experience was tainted by some pretty bad performance issues/bugs. You can't pause the game and quitting loses progress (not much, but still) so bugs can be very frustrating.

I think the core idea of this game is cool- discover knowledge in 4 different environments during 4 different times of day to ultimately kill all 7 targets within a single day. I love time loop mechanics (outer wilds, majoras mask are some of my favorite games). Despite time being a core component, I think this game doesn't make me feel like time is really important. Maybe it's the discrete level design or maybe it's the discrete time progression... I'm not sure but the experience feels more like level hopping between different variants of levels than living through a continuous time looping day.

The writing didn't really draw me into the world or characters either, which is part of the problem.

Tried playing as Julianna once and it was a bad time- long loading and little reward. This could use more incentives and could be nice to bake into the single player more.

Still, cool idea and hopefully Arkane learned from it! Would love to see them do more time stuff.

Reviewed on Aug 22, 2023
