When I first played Virtue's Last Reward five years ago, I went in completely blind, and experienced something no other piece of fiction has been able to provide, before or since. Every moment I wasn't playing the game, I was thinking about it, trying to put together the puzzle with the pieces I had. Even when interrupted by my younger sister being attacked by a shark (long story, she's fine) I couldn't stop thinking about it. It was magical, and an experience I treasure (not the shark attack part).

I'll admit, though, I was a little worried replaying it might diminish the experience somewhat, knowing all the big twists and mysteries. But, thankfully, I still love and appreciate it just as much, if not more. I can understand why 999 is usually the more highly regarded and favored of the two, but the way this game expands on the concepts it establishes just really resonates with me. It's had a massive influence on how I write, analyze, and appreciate fiction, and probably several other parts of my personality. I love Virtue's Last Reward, and it's a big part of why I am who I am today.

Reviewed on Sep 02, 2023
