Star Ship 1977

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

August 27, 2023

First played

August 26, 2023


Y'all are mean to this game; it has an average rating of 2.1 at the time of this review. It's not great or anything, but it's a lot of dumb fun and not much different than Asteroids or Berzerk in its level of mindlessness. I didn't play any of the multiplayer, but the three single-player modes are decent, and they're graphically very impressive for a 1977 home console game. After a while, I went from only being able to obtain scores in the teens to easily achieving under 50 points in 2/3 of the game modes—I still found it hard to rack up high scores in the lunar lander mode. Overall, Star Ship is nothing incredible, but it's visually novel and a good "turn your brain off" activity. I'll have to give the multiplayer a shot when I can find someone to play these stupid games with me.