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SPOILER FREE REVIEW: not gonna go much into detail regarding actual events, but there's plenty of info online and even in this review section lol

Rex might just be the worst-developed character in any video game I've ever played. I've played games with characters that had more nonsensical developments, but they at least had development of some kind. Rex's development, on the other hand, is paper thin and lilliputian in nature.

I am not even going to go into the moral quagmire of...the entire fucking game. Plenty of people have dissected and analyzed the absolute and utter disgustingness that is the implementation of Blades into this story, the very-obvious veneer of sexism that it entails, and the frankly-creepy implications it has on the world and the characters. Plenty of people have already criticized the inclusion of Poppi, which is meant to be a joke, as being sexist and insensitive and in very poor taste. Those people have played the game in greater depth than me, and are generally better than me at writing reviews. Many of those people are here on this very website, in this very review section, and I highly recommend you read their analysis.

What I will say is that, in a character-driven narrative, if your characters are so under-developed and flat that they make the term "one-dimensional" sound like excessive praise, you have utterly failed as a narrative. When your gameplay is so barren-boned and tedious that you'll develop carpal tunnel before having a single enjoyable combat encounter, you have failed as gameplay. When your world is so empty and littered with trash mobs designed to waste your time with no incentive for exploration or discovery to the point where it would make Genshin Impact and Assassin's Creed look like good game design, you have utterly failed at environmental storytelling and game design. When the overarching story of your narrative also has excessive plot holes that continuously get worse, especially after you try to tie the game to Xenoblade 1...then you become a David Cage game.

Indeed, the more I think about it, the more it dawns on me: this is exactly like a David Cage JRPG: bad combat, terribly bad story, and horrendously bad characters, all with questionable morals and extremely questionable objectification and treatment of women. Except it's worse because David Cage games go on sale often, can be modded to be funny, and don't include gacha mechanics out of the box. I've seen countless praise of Xenoblade 3, but I've been betrayed by this game so much that I'm not sure my soul and mind can handle another iteration of this. On the bright side, Xenoblade 3 will undoubtedly impress me in a twisted sense, because after the mess that this game is, my expectations for this series as a whole has dropped below the Mariana Trench.

Overall Rating: 1/5 (Dumpster Fire)