Coming from a native japanese person, this game is oblivious to actual japanese history. It dances with fantasies of japanese stereotypes like "honor" while ignoring the undercurrent of actual samurai life, which is both far less honorable and far more mundane than depicted. It would be one thing if this was designed to be fantastical, but it isn't. Sucker Punch designed this game with the goal of accurately portraying Japan's culture and history, and they failed at that. To say otherwise would be a disservice to the memory of the samurai themselves.

Besides, the game is just bland open world AAA kitsch with a big map and picturesque locations made by crunching underpaid developers and artists. Which is to say, it's a game that isn't bad, but isn't memorable either. A game that entices the senses but never the imagination, that gives the illusion of enjoyment while leaving you empty in the end. It's a AAA game in 2020 and that's all I really have to say.

Reviewed on Jan 13, 2023


1 year ago

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10 months ago

As someone who has played japanese games my whole life, it's always nice to see japanese people talking about games from other countries.


8 months ago


4 months ago

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3 months ago

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3 months ago

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3 months ago

I mean this mf gave over 160 games a rating of 0.5 stars. You really wanna tell me that this is just his "opinion"? Every living creature on human earth with two brain cells sees that he is just trolling.

3 months ago

Hey, @memo01, you do realize the vast majority of my 0.5 stars are random indie game or coolmath slop like epic seven and duck life 3, right? If I removed all the obvious shovelware and game jam games made in two days, the graph would look very different.

Point me to a game that you think I have unfairly rated, and I'll write a justification for it.

3 months ago


Oh, I have a few. Here you go:

- Elden Ring
- Resident Evil 4 Remake
- Baldurs Gate 3 (why did you remove the rating? lmao)
- God of War Ragnarök
- Omori
- Marvel's Spider-Man
- Detroit: Become Human
- Horizon Zero Dawn

3 months ago

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3 months ago

Omori: Self-absorbed, clunky writing that collapses under its own overwrought weight. Omori is in my opinion the masthead of this type of this theatrical game style where allegory only exists in a vacuum, deconstruction is utilized as a mere distraction, and "quirkiness" is conformity. The premise of "quirky", tumblrcore-esque games like Omori are inherently contradictory as they do not subvert any design tropes of video games, either in material, structure, or presentation. Instead, they leech off existing feelings in the player, almost becoming predatory.
RE4 Remake: Fundamentally brings nothing new to the table, fun but atonal and meaningless, atmosphere compared to the original is lessened in my opinion.
Detroit Become Human: David Cage is one of the worst writers in the videogame industry, and that's saying a lot given how many bad writers there are. Every plot twist in this game, especially the "Alice is an android" one, is incredibly contrived and illogical. The Alice is an android plot twist in particular completely destroys her prior characterization and any meaningful logical cohesion just for five minutes of shock value. The civil rights allegory is an absolute joke as well.
Baldurs Gate 3: Removed because I originally disliked it, but since I dropped it I figured it shouldn't be rated. It's not a bad game, just heavily not for me.
Horizon Zero Dawn: Like with most other open words, it gives the illusion of commotion while remaining fundamentally sterile. A soulless, utterly empty experience where characterization is connotated by trite dialogue quips and fucking audio logs (by the way, screw bioshock for introducing audio logs as a narrative device in video games. It's been a subsequent disaese for over a decade.)
God of War: Ragnarok: Masterclass in melodrama, and basically the epitome of the "sad dad" Sony prestige AAA game. Some great moments but ultimately I found the writing more self-indulgent than anything else. Although this would definitely be much higher if the level design was good and the gameplay was fun, which it wasn't personally.
Elden Ring: Very lopsided experience (by the way 1.5/5 for me is a game that I enjoyed.) The high parts of this game were at least a 4/5, while the low parts of the game bored me to tears. Elden Ring's main dungeons and sporadic moments of discovery are incredibly memorable; sadly, by the second cour, the magic has completely faded away and turned into apathy. The penultimate conclusion of Elden Ring wasn't that the game didn't have tricks to show me, it was that I simply couldn't care anymore.
Spider Man: Only good thing about this game was the movement and slinging across NYC. Other than that, this was just another piece of Ubisoft-esque open world AAA kitsch.

3 months ago

"Sucker Punch designed this game with the goal of accurately portraying Japan's culture and history"

No, they designed the game with the goal of accurately emulating chambara. And they succeeded.

2 months ago

"by the way 1.5/5 for me is a game that I enjoyed." i hate this fucking website so much