1 review liked by akouzoukos

I've played a bunch of other tetris titles before and I always loved the game in its different forms. But I think this is the tetris game I've always dreamed of. I'm someone who just likes to play marathon tetris without anything too crazy and this game delivers on that. It's really fast, I just turn on the gba and I'm in a game within seconds. But what really puts this over the edge as a masterpiece is the customization. You can kinda make the game look and feel exactly the way you want if you put the time into all the various settings and features. Changing colors, rotation, screen shake, etc. I can see this giving the game a ton of longevity. For once I really like the other modes as well. I very much appreciate the game mode with classic tetris rules, I often just play that to really shake it up. But the other various modes really test your skills in different and valid ways that are fun. This has been my definitive bed time game for a week now and I love it very much.