Now what if you've got a fantastic game that you've made and you've taken the time to give it some extra polish in its sequel and then you're forced to quickly crank another one out when you never got the time to sit down and figure out what you want to next with the series? You get the buggy mess that is Assassin's Creed: Revelations. Doesn't move the overarching plot at all and is the same gameplay as the last two games, but less polished and with nothing to add. Only good thing about the game is that it continues Altair's story from AC1 and Bloodlines, but chances are you haven't even played those games. The multiplayer in this game is good, but just get Brotherhood and play its multiplayer instead. It's got a much better single player and I doubt the multiplayer was that much improved (if at all really) from entry to entry.

Single-player: 5/10
Multiplayer: 8/10

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2019
