Very deep gameplay and very deep story, but they're not meshed together well. Constant unskippable cutscenes that if you want to challenge yourself with the gameplay, you have to go through over and over again, and if you try to just stick with the story, the game forces you to delve into the gameplay with various missions so you can't just go on easy and ignore it (plus why would you want to when there's so much to bite into). Ultimately this game needs a proper remaster or really just a 3DS port with some small changes, but 3DS is dead now so it's getting ports to single screen systems where it misses the dual screen gameplay that's an integral part of the game.

In conclusion, The World Ends With You is a flawed game. There's a lot of great stuff in it, but it's unpolished and needs some more work that it sadly never got.

Reviewed on Nov 10, 2019
